Italtech Injection Molding Retrofit

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JVH Engineering has designed a controls platform utilizing Rockwell Software and an Allen-Bradley CompactLogix system. This platform has been used to create a predesigned solution for the Italtech injection molding machines. These tested solutions use the most up to date Allen-Bradley technology along with customer specified Rockwell Software to allow for ease of use. All our solutions are designed with the intent of delivering a turnkey control design that allows for full customer manipulation.



    Faster Machine Communication and full machine connectivity to data collection systems.

  • HMI Replacement

    Allen-Bradley VersaView touch screen equipped with a solid-state hard drive, along with physical selector switches for machine motions.


    Digital position sensors for more accurate, noise free, repeatable position control and instantaneous velocity feedback.


    High response injection control for exceptional part consistency by allowing up to 10 segments of injection fill velocity profile, 5 segment ramped hold profile, and 3 segment recovery profile with closed loop backpressure.


    This feature provides high response proportional valves with feedback. These stock valves increase control and troubleshooting capabilities while reducing spare parts costs.